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Among all republics of the former Soviet Union, Estonia can be called one of the most developed states. Mostly, Estonians and Russians live there. Hence, you can have difficulties understanding which of the women is Estonian or Russian on the street. In many cases, Estonia women look like Russians, but their character traits are different. Estonian females feature calmness, tranquility, and admirable balance. They are used to never hurrying up and they do everything at a moderate pace.

Estonian Women: Who Are These Females?

estonian women

Estonian women are generally delicate, intelligent, and well-balanced. Their phlegmatic nature even became a punch line for many anecdotes and jokes in the post-Soviet space. They think carefully about their decisions, actions, and words. Because of this, women from Estonia seem slow, but they take rash steps much less frequently. Often their facial expression is too serious, but you can quickly remove this mask with the right approach. If you plan to meet an Estonian girl, you should know several features of her character.

Estonia girls are often worried about what others might think of them. Because of this, they are often overly critical of themselves, which often leads to low self-esteem. At the same time, they feel when a person by their side does not behave sincerely. A distinctive feature of Estonian women is their thirst for knowledge. In this country, more than half of university students are girls. Sociologists even suggest that in the future, Estonian women will be better educated than their husbands.

Why Estonian Girls Want To Date Foreign Men?

For every Estonian girl, meeting somebody is not just for fun. Hot Estonian women are very sensitive to dating foreign men. A lot of foreign men also desire to marry Estonian brides because of their gorgeous appearance and notable personalities. These women love household men who know how to do everything and fix broken things at home on time.

These ladies are perfect needlewomen and love when men present them hand-made items. Flowers are always welcomed too. There are opinions that women of Estonia are dating and marrying foreign men because local men are not handsome enough. Of course, this is a controversial statement. Cute, conservative, and feminist at the same time, beautiful Estonian women are often stronger than you might think, and they cannot see too much strength in local men.

Thus, if you are a good-looking foreigner from a prosperous western country, you can try a chance for meeting and marrying an Estonian bride. Possible issues regarding a generation gap and cross-cultural misunderstanding do not scare Estonian women to build relationships with foreign men.

Estonian Women’s Characteristics

estonian girls

Estonian women are distinguished by their aristocratic nature, inherent to most blondes. They are usually well-mannered and live in accordance with the rules of European culture. Contemporary Estonian women are broad-minded, as they receive a good education both in their own country and abroad. They are hard-working and focused on building a business career. These women are active in the labor market, and part-time employment is not very common in Estonia.

Stunning Appearance

Many connoisseurs of female beauty consider Estonian women most beautiful and slimmest ladies in Europe. At the same time, they often have mouth-watering and curvy body forms. Estonia holds the record for the number of top models per capita — more than 70 models fall on one million inhabitants. Most beautiful Estonian women are natural blondes with light eyes, thick hair, pink cheeks, and perfect pale skin. However, you can meet hot Estonian girls with dark hair and hazel eyes in this country.

Stylish Manner of Dressing Up 

Estonian girls do not fit the myths about European females who, as they say, never do makeup and do not wear high heels. In Estonia, women do all this, which does not prevent them from looking very attractive and independent. Women of Estonia observe national traditions and look great in national costumes. Also, they are very romantic and love spending time in nature. Estonia girls often wear romantic-style clothes with floral prints and ruffles. It is not a cold Scandinavian style, but something warmer and more delicate.

Every Estonian woman knows how to dress according to her style, taste, and national traditions. Today, these women have become more fashion-conscious. They visit health-improving and anti-aging procedures more often, and this positively affects their appearance. Many of them prefer to buy dresses, although jeans do not disappear from their wardrobe. It all depends on where an Estonian girl is going and what the weather is like outside. For walking, they still choose more comfortable clothes and shoes.

Top Hairstyles and Nails

Estonian women can be often seen not only in clothing boutiques but also in hairdressing salons. Mostly, Estonian ladies turn to hair dyeing in light colors. Their hair is naturally either straight or slightly wavy. Both in terms of hairstyle and its color, Estonian women prefer more classic options. Estonian beauties most often opt for simple, natural hairstyles without creating bright and eye-catching looks. These women usually choose medium-length hair that does not require too much care. Also, they love to get a beautiful and multi-colored manicure.

What Makes Estonian Women The Best Wives?

Estonian girls usually leave their paternal houses and start an independent life earlier than the average ones in Europe. In Estonia, this usually happens at the age of 23, in Europe – when young women are 24-26 years old. Over the past few years, Estonian women have become less inclined to marry early. On average, they get married and give birth to their first child at the age of 25-27. Most often, local families have one or two children, and it is somewhat less compared to other European countries. 

Everything that happens in their families remains there and is never disclosed for discussion by outsiders. They respect and care for their parents very much and try to maintain good relations with all relatives. Many local men especially value such qualities of Estonian women as a respectful attitude towards their spouses and willingness to support them in difficult times. Also, all women living in this country have big and kind hearts. They often post pictures of missing pets on Facebook and sympathize with poor people in the whole world.

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Where Can You Meet Estonian Girls?

Estonian women have an opportunity to travel, and you can meet them in different countries of the globe. You can try to meet a beautiful girl in Estonia. For that, you can visit many bars, pubs, restaurants, and nightclubs in this safe European country. If you prefer the cozy atmosphere of small towns, you can go to Tartu, Parnu, or Narva. In Tallinn, the capital city, the Old Town is the area for both daygame and nightlife. There, you can meet sexy Estonian girls, as well as interesting people from different countries. 

The nightlife in Tallinn is full of fun and adventures. In this city, finding the right venue can be a challenge, as parties tend to go from place-to-place, and various spots often attract different people on different nights. However, you can find the most suitable sport for yourself and your girlfriend, depending on your budget. 

estonian brides

Estonian Dating Culture and Tips

Do not expect that every Estonia girl you meet is willing to jump into your bed and demand a wedding ring on the very first day of acquaintance. These girls are traditional and reasonable. They first need to experience a sense of security and confidence that you are serious about building a relationship. For that, the following tips would be helpful for you:

1. Estonian Women Like Men Who Take The Initiative

When it comes to meeting somebody, Estonian women are unlikely to take the first step. This means that you need to start a conversation and compliment her first. Then, you can ask for her phone number and offer her to come on a date to a cozy place.

2. They Prefer Men Who Are Serious About Their Appearance

Estonian ladies find it essential to have a neatly dressed and good-looking man next to them. Therefore, you have to get prepared before the date and dress according to the circumstances.

3. They Love Men Who Respect Their Decisions

Girls from Estonia might seem to be indecisive and reluctant, but they do not like to be pushed. If the woman you like is not ready for the rapid development of events, take your time and pause. Disrespecting and ignoring her desires will not do you any good.

4. They Expect Attention From You

When dating Estonian women, you should be aware that they are not eloquent and are often comfortable with silence. However, they can be fun and outgoing, especially when they have a drink. If you managed to break the ice and make your Estonian girl smile, then you have succeeded while many others have not.

The Verdict

A wife from Estonia is a standard of beauty, a symbol of diligence in household chores, and an object of desire for many men worldwide. They are true gems to be loved, cherished, and cared for. Dating an Estonian girl can broaden your horizons and teach you many new and amazing things. If you want to win the heart of an Estonian bride, be yourself, patient, and respectful with her at all times. Estonian women marriage can change your life for the better.


Do Estonian Girls Like American Men?

Yes. American men can roughly be divided into two categories – machos and metrosexuals. Both these types attract Estonian women. Besides, Estonian girls know that almost every American man looks great and smells good with pleasant cologne. 

Do Estonian Women Speak English?

In Estonia, indigenous people speak Estonian, and Russian girls use the Russian language. Although English is not the main language in Estonia, many young women understand and can speak English. Most Estonian girls study English at schools and universities, and this makes it easier for you to find a common language with them. 

What Are The Best Websites To Meet Estonian Brides?

You can meet many Estonia mail order brides on one of the numerous specialized dating websites. In addition to the world-famous Tinder and Badoo apps, you can try,,,, and

Linda May

Linda May

Linda May has a Ph.D. in Psychology. She works as a therapist and helps partners strengthen their relationships, cope with difficulties, and understand each other. Linda is also a dating coach assisting singles in their love search. She knows all the pitfalls of online dating and strives to guide singles through this tricky world.

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